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Turning Yourself Into a Milf Hunter is Easier Than You Think

Filed under : Milf

Turning Yourself Into a Milf Hunter is Easier Than You Think

Now, it’s funny how many guys claim to be MILF hunters. In fact, if I only had a dollar for every time I come across somebody who claims to be a MILF hunter, I’d be a very rich person right now. Now, of course, I wouldn’t be as rich as Bill Gates, but I would definitely be well off.

You see, a lot of guys talk a big game when it comes to becoming some sort of MILF hunter. They really can’t avoid bragging. The funny thing about all of this is that the guys who have the biggest mouths, and the ones who make the biggest claims, are the ones who get laid the least. More info here

It’s the guys who are quiet in the background, those are the guys that you should watch out for. Those are the guys who fuck MILFs all day, every day. Those are the real MILF hunters. Unfortunately, you can’t learn from them because they’re not public about it. They’re not going to stand on the rooftops and tell the world about how much action they get.

Their philosophy is actually straightforward. The less public they are, the more people would think that banging a MILF is a mystery. The more mysterious it seems to guys, the more intimidated they become and the less competition there would be. In other words, more MILF pussy for the real players. That’s how real MILF hunters work.

Fake MILF hunters, on the other hand, make a big show of it and the only thing that they ever manage to accomplish is to make themselves look like clowns. So if you are serious about stepping your game up and really banging MILF pussy like a machine, stop talking about it and start being about it.

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